Advice That I Never Take

You know how they say “drink water”. Yeah, well, I’m not very good at that at all. I drink no water, pretty much. It’s awful. I don’t even know how to motivate myself to drink water. I really don’t. Sigh. I’ll be working on this.


8 Reasons to Drink Water:

  1. Weight loss
  2. Healthy heart
  3. More energy
  4. Headache cure
  5. Healthy skin
  6. Helps fix digestive problems
  7. Cleansing
  8. Better exercise results

The Advice: Drink half your weight (lb) in liquid ounces.

i.e. if you weight 120 lb, drink 60 ounces of water. 🙂

How to Follow This Advice:

  • Set a water routine: one cup when you wake up, one cup with each meal, one cup in between all meals, one cup before bed [if you’re exercising, one cup before exercise and one cup after]: note that you should divide ounces by how many times you’ll drink to figure out your cup [doesn’t have to be exact at all though!]
  • Carry a bottle around with you! Best reminder right?
  • Set yourself reminders either on your phone or on your computer.

I will be reporting back on this mission.


What is a piece of advice that you never follow? Tell me below.

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Technologic! My Clarisonic Review

Today I’m here with a very “hot topic”: the clarisonic! So I’ve been using this for about two weeks now and honestly, I’ve seen such amazing things I just have to blog about it immediately. I know that whenever I see a blog post that claims something brings “instant” results, I get very very skeptical but you know. I can’t help it if it’s true.

Now I think you should go and read these two posts first before reading this one just to get to know the situation around my skin:

– My Skin Story 


So, let’s begin. When I first heard about the clarisonic, I was shocked at the price. I mean, that is a bit of a splurge for ONE skincare product device. I seriously did not think it was justifiable and plenty and plenty of you would think that too. But after just having so many problems with my skin, I realised that the amount of different products I buy and try out per year honestly amounts to MUCH MUCH more than the cost of a clarisonic. So I went and did some research. All the big gurus have gave it positive review so that was a definite bonus in my mind. 

So I finally decided to splurge and get it because I was just so sick and tired of my awful skin condition. Out I went. And out went the $ AUD 149 (I recommend picking it up at a sale time). And in came the Pink Clarisonic Mia (that was the only color they had but I wanted a purple one *cry* but not that big of a deal haha). Just a little background, I use dermobrasions/exfoliants for my skin quite a bit so my skin was used to that sort of treatment so unlike a few people that I’ve come across, I didn’t go through any skin purging period.

When I first started using it, I was in a really bad skin moment where I was just broken out EVERYWHERE so I was really scared of using the Clarisonic in case it was not as gentle as it claims it is. So I started using it with so so much skepticism but after 2 days (TWO days!!!) I started seeing really noticeable changes. My skin was so much smoother and just looked so much brighter and healthier. The blemishes cleared up so much faster than it usually does and honestly, I was just so shocked by how well it actually worked. I can honestly say that my skin hasn’t been as good as this in years, YEARS! So I’m currently loving this device. But all my new skin goodness is not the Clarisonic. My whole skincare system is working together right now to create amazing skin so that includes the Origins Checks and Balances, and the Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions Clarifying lotion that I mentioned and mini-reviewed in that skincare post I mentioned up the top.

More advantages of this thing is the fact that it’s completely waterproof so I can safely use it in the shower everyday like I do. It is also tiny (the size of my hand, and I have rather small hands) which makes it easy to use and good for travel. It comes with one speed (which may be seen as a weakness but honestly, I don’t want to think about which speed is best for my skin, because this speed has been tested and shown to be the best on the face) and this speed also has a set timer. Clarisonic recommends one minute and this thing has a one minute timer already embedded so it runs for a minute without me having to time it myself!

Honestly speaking, the only weakness that it has is the charger (and it’s a really… strange… changer). It takes 18 hours to charge up to full (urgh!!!!) and you can only use it for 20 minutes at full charge. That’s 20 days if you use it once a day but only 10 if you use it twice a day. Who can keep track of that? I hate it when I don’t charge it to full or something and I go to use it and it’s out of battery. Grrrr… Get onto it Clarisonic.

And I’m not 200% sure if it’s just the Clarisonic’s amazing magical powers because I also think that it’s honestly helped my skin absorb products so much better (the same products that I was using before the splurge just seem to work better so…). But seriously speaking, it’s really not that big of a detriment compared to all the amazing beneficial effects that it’s had on my skin. 

Their testimonials are honestly more than that, they’re seriously amazing and if you’re thinking of splurging on your skincare, than go for this, especially if you have problem skin. I would honestly recommend this. Oh and it comes in a range of colors (if you get it online).

For Australians: they’re stocking in David Jones, and Myer.

[Disclaimer: All skin is different so what may work or me, may not work for you. So keep that in mind. 🙂 AND This is NOT a sponsored review and this product/device was purchased by me, and as always, this IS my absolute honest opinion.]

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Find Passion. Think Chic.

IT’S CLEARING UP!!!: My Skincare Routine

Previous Posts mentioned (go read them 😀 ):

LUSH Hair Products Review
LUSH Body-(Skin)-care Products Review
My Skin Story 


The much a-waited post has finally arrived. Ever since doing my hair and body care things, I’ve wanted to do this post but just never had the chance to because I wanted to make sure that this routine works before posting about it. I’m just going to write up what products I use, in which order, how I use them and stuff like that. They’ll be a mini-review on each product but if you want me to do a full review on a product or a few products, please type it in the comments section below. 🙂

So you may remember my post from a few days ago about the problems I’ve been having with my skin ever since I was around 10, so that’s a really long time. But my skin is now past the worst stage of it but if it gets really irritated or if it’s that time of the month, my skin just explodes. Last week, my skin was having a rather unhappy reaction to something (I have no idea what) and I was all broken out all over my forehead and it was just really really awful but I feel as if using these products seriously seriously helped because just a few days later, my skin is almost completely clear again. YAY! 

If you haven’t read that post mentioned above, go read it. Or just keep in mind when reading this post that I have Combination to Oily skin that is very acne-prone.

Morning Routine

1) A light cleanser: The Liquid Facial Soap in the Clinique 3-Step Kit for Skin Type 3 or 4
I only use this cleanser in the AM and I’ve been using this cleanser for almost 3/4 of a year now and I’m still loving it. It’s just a really light cleanser for the morning because I don’t like to have really strong chemicals or anything like that on my skin that early in the day. However, I did try using a very light (non-chemical) exfoliate instead in the mornings but it just got so so tedious because I’m usually in a rush in the morning and I don’t want to spend that time using an exfoliate. So I just get a pump of this onto (CLEAN!!!) hands and rub it in circular motions on my wet face. It will foam up a little and after doing that for maybe a minute, I just wash it off. I try and avoid using towels because they can carry bacteria (I know, ew).

2) Toner: Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions Clarifying Lotion
This is a rather new edition but it’s been working wonders. I use this AM and PM.Just shake so that the sediment “acne-medicine” is mixed into the solution and I just get this onto a cotton pad and sweep it all over my face. I’ve actually not come across a toner as good as this one and this is my mother’s “skin care secret” so follow it. I seriously recommend this. 🙂

3) Moisturizer: Origins VitaZing
Moisturizer acts as a barriers between outside grossness and your skin (pores). This moisturizer is amazing. Like actually. It also has SPF 15 which is why I put it on in the AM only. I put this all over my face except for my eye area and where I have active blemishes or hyperpigmentation.

4) Others: Sisley Cosmetics Phyto-Blanc Intensive Lightening Lotion and LUSH Grease Lightning
Before you freak out, my mother is a very very loyal customer of Sisley so we basically get an endless supply of free samples so I don’t actually have the full size of the Intensive Lightening Lotion but I just use the samples. I’m not entirely sure if I like it enough to ever buy the full sample but at least I know that something is on my face fighting the hyper-pigmentation. (I put it on the spots where I have hyper-pigmentation). And then the LUSH Grease Lightning is great to put on my active breakouts. It’s a lot lighter than the Spot Remover by Origins but still does a really great job. I would definitely recommend this. Both these products I use AM and PM.

5) Eye cream: Origins GinZing
I’ve never really needed an eye-cream because I don’t have a problem with bags or puffiness (well, it can’t be solved with an eye-cream) but the lady at the store (and FleurDeForce on youtube) said that this is a good eyecream so I just use it in the AM to reduce puffiness in the mornings and to awaken my eyes.

That is all for the morning (then I apply make-up)

Evening Routine: 

1) Makeup Remover: MAC Makeup Removers and Sephora Triple Action Cleansing Water
I have a whole range of MAC Makeup Removers and I love them all. I usually use the remover wipes (I know, some people hate wipes but these are actually really amazing) especially if I have a lot of makeup on because I always feel as if it doesn’t completely come off otherwise. The Sephora one, I use that just for taking off eye-makeup because it’s gentle.

2) Cleanser and Clarisonic: Origins Checks and Balances
Now I’ve recently invested in a Clarisonic (a review will be up if not tomorrow than the day after) and I absolutely love it. I use it in the shower (because I shower at night) and I just put a ring of the Origins cleanser (which I just adore because it works beautifully) and I use it on my face for a minutes. I have a clarisonic Mia so it actually times 1 minute for me. (Obviously these 2 steps are just PM).

3) Toner: Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions Clarifying Lotion
Same as the AM above. 

4) Moisturizer: SkinFoods Lettuce and Cucumer Jelly Cream
I’m devastated that I’ve almost finished the tub but this is AMAZING. It’s so refreshing and hydrating. Uh, I love it. Same with the moisturizer in the AM, I put it everywhere but my eyes, where I have hyper-pigmentation and active breakouts.

5) Others: Sisley Cosmetics Phyto-Blanc Intensive Lightening Lotion and LUSH Grease Lightning
These are all the same as the AM as well. 🙂

I also moisturize my lips with either LUSH Honey Trap Lip Balm or Burt’s Bees Nourishing Lip Balm with Mango Butter, but of which smell absolutely AMAZING and work wonders to make my lips… sexy… HAHA!

So anyways, that is it! Two five-step routines for my skincare. My skin is actually feeling and looking so healthy right now so I feel as if these routines are working really well for me. Now, that is a point of emphasis FOR ME. All skin is different so what may work or me, may not work for you. So keep that in mind. 🙂

Oh and before I forget: EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE I:

– Do a mask: Usually one from Origins. If I’m really badly broken out, instead of doing the usual Cleanser, Toner, Moisturizer, I use Origin’s Clear Improvement, Out of Trouble and Drink Up (in that order)

– I use LUSH Sweet Lips lip scrub


[Disclaimer: All these products were bought by me (well apart from the Sisley samples that were NOT given to me for review purposes) and this is completely my honest opinion.] 

That is all from me today.

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Healthy Diet Tip #2: Get Those Muscles A-movin’

It’s time of the week for the HEALTHY DIET TIP post! Yay! Haha. Now I have no idea how many weeks these Healthy Diet Tips will be appearing for but let’s just jump into this week’s: All About That Workout.

Now I know better than anyone what it’s like to absolutely not be bothered to do that workout/exercise that I know is so good for me (and good for losing some pounds/kgs) and over the years I’ve gained some really amazing tips. 

1) Join an exercise class of something you like!

Exercising with other people, and in a class, is so effective in keeping you motivated. You can’t just not turn up to a weekly class, people notice, and you’re wasting your money (don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be a lot of money). And choose a class you like! If you know that you hate cycling, don’t take the spin class, you’ll just hate waking up on that morning with the thought “urgh I have spin today!” Rather take something like Zumba or Yoga or Pilates or Dancercise or Boxercise or…. The choices honestly never end. If you don’t want to pay to join a class, not a problem! Just find a friend and just exercise with them, every week for a set amount of time. It’d be so much fun.

2) Sustainable rather than bursts!

Instead of deciding that you want to do a 4 hr long workout every week and then doing the first one and never want to workout ever ever again, think realistic! Maybe say to yourself: “I’ll work out 2 or 3 times every week for 15 minutes each for this month, and then increase the time every month.” This will keep you motivated and achieve a much better long time result. 

3) The only better than H20 is H20 and Exercise

Drink. The. Water. Enough said.

So those are my short little tips. Now a little workout thing that I found on the internet is the 4×4 workout. For those who haven’t heard of it, its just a workout comprised of 4×4 things that will workout everything you want. 


1) Cardio

– jumprope

– front kicks

– burpees

– jumping jacks

2) Strength

– 10 pushups/10 dips

– Alternating lunges

– squat press

– back row

3) Cardio

– flying lunges

– side shuffle

– mountain clumbers

– squat pulses/squat jumps

4) Abs

– plank

– bicycle crunches

– v-sit hold

– reverse crunches


Beginners: 30 seconds per exercise, once through

Intermediate: 45 seconds per exercise, twice through

Advances: 60 seconds per exercise, three times through

(Remember to take breaks as you need them and DRINK WATER)


Now I like to do this on nights where I don’t have an exercise class or sport already so keep that in mind.

I hope this post helped.

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My Hair-care Routine

Okay, before I start, I just wanted to say to everyone, thank you for following and liking my posts. You have no idea how much it means to me. I’m also getting to the middle of a small list of posts to make so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE request something, anything, you would like to see in the comments section below. Thank you!

Okay. This is not going to be an uber-long post but, here it is. My hair-care routine. I’ve found this to be working on my hair really really well, but keep in mind that everyone has different hair and different situations. Because my hair isn’t an issue to style (ie. I rarely curl/straighten/blowdry it), and 100% natural (I haven’t permed or dyed it or anything), it may be very very different from your hair process.

So what I do is, I have three different “sets” of Shampoo/Conditioners going at the same time. I wash my hair every second day (so Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday etc etc) and sometimes I may stuff up that routine but I generally wash my hair 3 times a week (this is were the 3 sets come in). 

My 3 Sets:

– BIG (Shampoo) by Lush and AMERICAN CREAM (Conditioner) by Lush

– REHAB (Shampoo) by Lush and RETREAD (Conditioner) by Lush

– Cocao Butter (Shampoo and Conditioner Set) by Organix

(Here: You can see my reviews on the Lush Products)

So what I do is, I wash my hair on Monday with the first set, and then Wednesday with the second and Friday with the third and then back on the cycle.

So when I’m actually washing my hair, I spend about 3-5 minutes just scrubbing away at my hair with the shampoo lathering up a thick cloud over my hair. I wash it out and then apply conditioner to my hair up to my earlobes. This prevents my from worsening my already oily root issue (that has gotten better, mind you). I leave it in for a while as I do some other stuff (e.g. shave, or wash my face) and then I wash it off. Haha. I don’t put any products in my hair afterwards and I don’t actually do anything to my hair. I just let it airdry and live about in its natural form. You can add whatever you like after that I guess.

Note: I used to was my hair everyday because it was “oily” but I realised how bad this was with my hair. I highly recommend weaning yourself from washing your hair everyday if you do. I know the first little while feels absolutely disgusting but you’ll come through it for the better. Make sure you find products that won’t just strip your hair and leave it… in a very bad position. So reach for more natural products like Organix or LUSH.

LUSH, My New Saviour! (SKIN & BODY :O)

I have recently introduced myself to Lush and I’m absolutely loving it. I have never before found a brand that works so well on my skin and hair.

(Here is my review of the hair products that I made yesterday)

As I promised, here is the second instalment of the Lush review. This one is for the body products that I’ve brought and used. There are one that I have not yet used (Buffy the body butter: this is because I’m waiting to finish my Aqua Mirabilis one). There are 2 more that I have chosen not to review, mainly because I feel rather indifferent towards them and I think it’d be boring for you to read them: they are Flying Fox (shower gel) and Ambrosia (shaving cream).

Okay. So today I will be reviewing 4 shower or body/skin type products from Lush that I’ve been using. My skin is usually really dry so most of the products that I use must be moisturising otherwise my skin just looks like a desert in drought, and believe me, it’s not a very good look. So keep this in mind if you don’t have a problem with dry skin. I also have an issue with dead skin (I know, ew, gross) as a result of the dry skin so I love to use exfoliants (physical ones, not chemical) on my skin. With most of these products mentioned (save the Ro’s Argan one), I’ll use The Body Shop’s Cactus Brush to make sure I’m actually getting in there and exfoliating away everything. Right now, I can definitely see a difference. My skin looks more healthy and there is a glow to it, and I can positively say I am adoring this new body routine. 🙂

Aqua Mirabilis (Body Butter)


This body butter is absolutely amazing. It has a nice warm smell to it that doesn’t linger for very long but it performs the desired effect. The chunky nature of it is great for the gentle exfoliation of the skin and replenish it with moisture at the same time. This is the perfect combination! This is one of my favourite products from Lush that I have. I keep it in a body butter tin that I got at lush for… not very very much… However I think it was good value because that box prevents it from melting away in the steam as I do not use this everyday. I’ve read reviews that says it doesn’t last but I’ve been using it for 5 showers now and it’s still going (I think I have a third left). You just have to make sure not the scrub yourself with it. What I do is, I layer a bit on myself and then rub it in with my hands. The only thing that’s slightly strange and… gross… is that if I don’t use it for a while and keep it in its box, it tends to start forming some moulds, but its not a dangerous kind and I just get rid of it before using. This may also have something to do with the fact that I’ve had the square for around a month now.

It’s Raining Men (Shower Gel)


I find that there is nothing amazingly special about this shower gel other than the absolutely amazing smell. It makes me want to just melt away and die. It’s so amazing! But, as I said, other than the smell, its not that hype. However, I have heard that honey is a natural antiseptic so I guess it performs its job there and I just can’t tell.

Rub Rub Rub (Body Scrub)


I bought the small tub and I’ve used this product once or twice. I love the refreshing nature of it and the clean type of scents and the clean vibe it gives me. I adore the small little particles that are in it. They work away to exfoliate the skin effectively but gently. Its the sea salt in it that works so well! It leaves the skin smooth and with a fresh scent. It’s definitely better by the very fact that it doesn’t leave the skin irritated and scratchy. So 3 thumbs up for this one. One thing that I found is that mine mostly melted away before I really got to it and this made me really sad. But then again, my showers get really really hot. Haha.

This is like the body/Skin equivalent of Big (shampoo) (which I reviewed yesterday).

Ro’s Argan (Body Conditioner)


This is another highlight. This new product is absolutely amazing for people like me who have a dry skin issue. It is just like a hair conditioner in that it absolutely moisturizes my skin like a queen! It leaves a oily-ish residue that some may find annoying but I love because I know that it’s replenishing my skin. I would recommend not using it if you like to have a morning shower because it takes a while to soak in, but if you have a shower at night, the residue will be gone by morning. Despite the residue issue, I will definitely recommend this.

Note: These are all my real opinions haha :) And keep in mind all our skin is different so what may work for me and what I love may not work for you and what I may love, you may not. 🙂

LUSH, My New Saviour! (Hair :O)

I have recently introduced myself to Lush and I’m absolutely loving it. I have never before found a brand that works so well on my skin and hair.

(Note: This is the first half of my lush review. The second half will be arriving tomorrow and will be focusing on the body products.)

Today I will be giving a review on the 4 Lush Hair Products that I use. Before I started using LUSH my hair was very dry at the ends, didn’t look very luminous and just hung limply. I had a big problem with controlling oil near the roots. However, ever since I’ve started using LUSH I’ve noticed (well, not just me) that my hair is looking a lot more… well… lush. It no longer seems totally dead, it lasts longer between washes, and it smells a lot better. 🙂

Various hauls have brought me to a stage of complete LUSH-ing! So here are the products I use and what I think of them:

Big (Shampoo)


This shampoo is absolutely AMAZING! Its ability to remove the oil from my roots and still keep it shiny and lustrous is just wonderful. I have such problem hair but this product deals with it so well. The only annoying thing is the HUGE salt crystals fall out from your hair and it gets annoying but that isn’t a big deal. However (because I love my showers really hot), it melts a little inside the tub but that’s not a big issue either. It does have a slightly strange smell but thats just result of the seaweed elements and its not a bad strange smell at all.

American Cream (conditioner)


I don’t really know if it’s the “extra added strength conditioner” as it advertises itself to be but I can definitely say that I’m in love with the Lush Conditioners. They don’t leave a layer of oil in my hair afterwards at all and make my hair look so shiny and smooth. My mother even commented on how they’re working on my hair so that’s just proof of how amazing they are. Haha! This particular releases an amazing smell when I’m washing it off with hot water but the smell doesn’t last very long. However, this is still a very good conditioner.

Rehab (Shampoo)


This is definitely not my favourite as I don’t really feel like there is any physical change in my hair (ie in terms of strength and shine but it does leave my hair feeling very clean and fresh. I mainly brought this to go with the Retread Conditioner which is the recommended partner. The scent is not strong at all but does carry a very spring-y/summer-y type feel as it carries with it the papaya essence in it.

Retread (Conditioner)


This conditioner is AMAZING. I’m not even exaggerating. This work so amazingly on my hair, it softens and nurtures my hair SO much and it just does wonders for my hair. For what it lacks in the scent department, it makes it up three-fold in the performance department. This is definitely approaching a 5/5 for me. 🙂

Note: These are all my real opinions haha 🙂 And keep in mind all our hair is different so what may work for me and what I love may not work for you.
Notice that my hair care routine is rather strange (as you can see I have 2 different sets of Shampoo/Conditioner going at the same time). If you would like me to do a post about my hair routine, please just tell me in the comments below.