Healthy Diet Tip #1

Hey everybody! So I thought that I might start a “series” of posts (maybe once a week) called Healthy Diet Rules because I’m absolutely passionate about eating healthy, and being healthy, and blah blah blah and I know that there are SO SO SO many people out there who want to be healthier but just don’t know how or just haven’t found anything good. So if you think this is a wonderful idea than please comment below and like this post 🙂 or maybe share it around with your friends because we’re all here to help each other out 🙂

Sometimes I think I’m a little crazy though because I just talk about all these random facts to my friends and they’re just like “i don’t really care, cool story, next topic”. I can honestly talk about food for hours, just on and on and on. Long story short, I ramble! A lot!

Okay, my healthy diet tip NUMERO UNO! is about breakfast. And before you roll your eyes and click away, hear me out. If you eat breakfast every morning, or mornings when you actually wake up early enough to eat breakfast, you are already happily strolling down the happy road to healthiness. But if you don’t, than maybe consider it? Most dieticians and nutritionists say it’s good for your health (which I think it is) and it’s amazing way to start off your metabolism for the day and it’d curb any cravings before lunch or morning tea or whichever.

So: Have a healthy, balanced breakfast. And I’m not going to leave it at that, because what is the point of me sitting here and telling you that you should do something without giving anything to help you?! I am not an amazing chef or food guru but I do know that what I eat everyday for breakfast is healthy, balanced and 100% delicious.

What do I have for breakfast? I have a Mixed Berry Smoothie! It’s so quick and so easy because who can be bothered to get up at 7 am or 7:30 am and sit there making breakfast for half an hour when you’re trying to get ready and leave for school or work or whatever! So here is a short recipe for my smoothie and this usually takes 5-10 minutes but when it’s blending, I just go and wash my face and do my makeup and etc etc etc. So my whole morning routine takes at most 15 minutes before I’m out the door!



– 2 cups of frozen mixed berried (because we all know how expensive “fresh” fruit is! and honestly, I haven’t read anything that makes frozen berries awful or lacking in nutrition but if you have, PLEASE tell me!)

– 1 banana (maybe use some older ones because you don’t want to “waste” perfectly good bananas!)

– 1 cup of natural low fat yoghurt (I like to get the organic ones because I know they’re not overly processed)

– 1/2 cup of milk

– 1 teaspoon of flaxseed oil (really good for you)

– 1 cup of rolled oats/museli/whichever bran you like

– and some honey if needed

Note: This serves more than 1 person so maybe fiddle with the numbers to get the quantity you like.

I guess there’s not much “method” I can give you other than chuck them all in your brender, pour it into your container to go on the way to school/work or have at home, and that is your breakfast done!

And you’ve gotten all the amazing things you could POSSIBLY need to start your day. You’ve got your Omega 3, your probiotics, your fibre, your protein and your antioxidants ALL in your breakfast (one meal!!!) in around 250 calories (for those who count) and this will last you all morning! Pretty good eh?

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Thank you so much for reading (Sorry this one is a tad long)

And see YOU tomorrow. 😉

An amazing food website that I found with AMAZING recipes is: The Healthy Chef (Teresa Cutter)