Oh Dear Life!

Hey guys. I thought I’ll post a more “personal” post so y’all can get to know me somewhat and I love doing these types of posts. I’ve got some really great fashion posts lined up for you guys and IF you have any suggestions or whatever, PLEASE put them down below in the comments section.


Dear puppies,
Why can I not just have every single one of you? Why are you so cute? Those eyes and that playful attitude can get me any day. A game of fetch maybe?

Dear dinner parties,
Stop being so difficult to plan. Just organise yourself. The games, the food and the beverages… So. Much. Effort. 

Dear smoothies,
Oh do I wish I could have you all the time. If I could, I definitely would. But why must it be going into winter right now ? Why must it get cold? Why must you separate me from my beloved.

Dear weather,
Please make up your mind. One simply just not make up one’s mind! (Meme reference) I’m glad that you’re no longer raining (knock on wood) but why must you be sometimes hot and sometimes just so cold. I don’t want to be sick!

Dear immune system,
I like you right now. This lovely vacation you are taking makes me happy (and not feel sick all the time).

Dear school,
Urgh. I’m over you already. Just leave me alone! I broke up with you remember so stop dishing out punishment.

Dear society,
Oh please stop pressuring girls into feeling that they need to be in relationships at such a young age. It’s certainly not necessary.

Dear girls,
Have respect for yourselves and find worth in yourself. Hell do I know how hard that is, but I believe in you. You are the only you can always rely on to love yourself.

Dear love,
I guess, damn you. I realised today that if true love was easy, we’d all have it.

Dear friend(s),
Thanks for being something that will always be there for us. And seriously, stop poking me. It’s not nice and next time, I will punch you. Okay probably not. But I will be annoyed. 😛

Dear clothes/fashion,
Why is every item so amazing? Why do I lust after every item? Why is every item so expensive? I feel sad about wanting everything but never getting anything. Birthday present?

Dear old man,
Hi. I know you would like me to call you back regarding the fittings for your windows (or something). And if I were a window (or something) fitter, I would. But please stop calling me. I’m sure you’re a lovely old man who is not creepy and is in need of a window (or something) fitting but you’re making me growingly sad because I can’t help you. Oh. And my name is most certainly not Margaret (even though that is a lovely name).

Dear friend,
Please pay back that $5 that you borrowed last term that I am requesting you to return. It’s only $5, but it’s the principle of the matter.

Dear readers of this blog,
Thank you so much for your support and you’re all lovely.

Tell me in the comments what your “Oh Dear Life” things are. 🙂

Thanks again and see you all tomorrow.

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